Biomechanics and BiophysicsBiophysics and biomechanics are two distinct academic disciplines that bridge the gap between biology and physics, each with its specific…Sep 2, 2023Sep 2, 2023
DRUG DISCOVERY AND DEVELOPMENTPharmaceuticals have undoubtedly revolutionized the medical industry, offering a vast array of treatments and cures to patients worldwide…Jul 10, 2023Jul 10, 2023
3D to 4D Bioprinting: The Future of Regenerative Medicine.Imagine we find a way damaged organs can be regenerated, medical treatments can be tailored according to the patient’s unique physiology…Jun 13, 2023Jun 13, 2023
Tissue Engineering in Drug DevelopmentHave you ever wondered how a drug goes from being an idea in a scientist’s mind to a life-saving medication on the shelves of your local…May 29, 2023May 29, 2023
The benefits of organ printingThree-dimensional (3D) bioprinting is a section of traditional 3D-printing and was derived from it. It provides an avenue for developing…Jan 11, 2023Jan 11, 2023
Cosmetic Testing: A BriefHeard of Lakme, Nykaa or L’Oréal? Yes, you are right! They are one of the world’s most popular cosmetic brands. In modern-day scenario, for…Dec 19, 2022Dec 19, 2022
Animal Testing: A threat to the EnvironmentAs appalling as it may sound, 75,000 animals are killed annually by just a single animal testing company. Besides the heartbreaking aspect…Dec 19, 2022Dec 19, 2022
The ink to print organs: BioInkIt takes more than eight weeks to print an organ, and it is done using ‘BioInk’Dec 15, 2022Dec 15, 2022
Development of bio-cornea from other sources: Fish scale basedThe cornea serves as the primary infective and structural barrier of the eye. It is an exterior, transparent, avascular connective tissue…Dec 15, 2022Dec 15, 2022
From another’s perspectiveI dreaded this day. I saw all my friends being put through excruciating amounts of pain every day. And today is my day to go through it…Dec 7, 2022Dec 7, 2022